Title I, Part A Funding for Parent Involvement can help you to increase Parent Involvement and to improve English vocabulary skills with the hispanic population, as a way to foster meaningful Parent Involvement opportunities.
As indicated by the Parental Involvement provisions published by The U.S. Department of Education, the Title 1, Part A, guidelines state that parent involvement in their children’s education and parent involvement at schools is critical to that process.

Parent Involvement Programs for Title I Parent Involvement by The Latino Family Literacy Project™
Its provisions stress:
–Shared accountability between schools and parents for high student achievement, including expanded public school choice and supplemental educational services for eligible children in low performing schools;
–Local development of parent involvement plans with sufficient flexibility to address local needs;
–Building parents’ capacity for using effective practices to improve their own children’s academic achievement.
According to the U.S. Department of Education, Spanish-speakers are by far the largest segment of the English Learner population. The challenge in providing parent involvement programs to spanish-speaking parents may vary from school to school and may include:
1) Teachers may not understand the socioeconomic disadvantages of the parents at their school
2) Kids are learning English at a faster rate than their parents, which may create a challenge with working together on homework, or reading together if the books are only in English
3) Parents may not have strong literacy skills and may not have materials to engage them at their skill level or language skill set
4) Parents may not know what they can do to help their children with academics or reading
5) Some parents may not know what their role is at the school
The Latino Family Literacy Project can train teachers to provide Parent Involvement programs to English Learner parents at their school to fulfill the Title I, Part A funding requirements for Parent Involvement.
See what parents have to say about The Latino Family Literacy Project and share this information with your school staff.