Parent engagement is crucial to the academic success of students. However, many non-English language speakers or English Language Learners (ELLs) don’t have the skills needed in order to participate in the education of their children. For that reason, school administrators and teachers need to provide structured curriculum and training to ELL parents that are proven to be effective.
The Latino Literacy Project offers parent engagement programs that are delivered in both Spanish and English. These programs enable Hispanic parents the opportunity to build strong connections with their children’s schools and teachers. The Project informs parents, as well as family members, about the U.S. education system. Additionally, the programs help to make connections with their existing cultural norms, practices, skills, and expertise.
The Latino Literacy Project gives ELL parents, and family members, the necessary tools to engage with the U.S. education system, in order for them to contribute to their children’s academic endeavors. The parent engagement curriculum provided to ELL parents, by the Latino Literacy Project uses targeted training and meaningful curriculum for strong outcomes, so that both parents, and children, finish strong, with a new skill set for reading, comprehension, language, and vocabulary.
Each program consists of a series of activities, which enable ELL parents to develop their speaking, listening, reading, writing, and comprehension skills, all while obtaining knowledge about the U.S. education system and how they can effectively participate in school-related activities. The structured curriculum provides specific instruction that helps ELL parents feel that they have the adequate skills and knowledge to get involved in their children’s education, thus fostering academic success.
In addition to the structured curriculum, the Latino Literacy Project encourages parents to get involved in the homework process of their children. The Project urges parents to read bilingual books with their children to increase literacy and academic skills. Further, when ELL parents read with their children they are also partaking in parent engagement, which is key to success in academics and beyond.