Parents’ Attitudes and Impact on Learning

Parents’ Attitudes and Impact on Learning

Parents’ Attitudes and Impact on Learning

Parents’ attitudes towards education play a huge role on learning and academic success of their children.  In this context, the term attitude refers to “a favorable or unfavorable evaluative reaction towards something or someone exhibited in one’s beliefs, feelings or intended behavior.”  Furthermore, attitudes are a social construct or position on how parents favorably or unfavorably respond to a situation.  Parents’ attitudes towards education directly correlate with parental involvement.  Parents who have positive attitudes towards learning also partake in various levels of parental involvement in their children’s education.

Parents’ attitudes towards education can be rated on how they view parental involvement and participation in the education of their children.  Some factors that can be used to measure parental involvement and a positive attitude towards education include:

  • Checking homework
  • Attending school academic programs
  • Advising their children in regards to matters of education
  • Advising on study habits
  • Monitoring study habits
  • Discussing academic progress
  • Monitoring out of school activities
  • Showing appreciation for their teachers’ hard work

Studies show that students whose parents have a positive attitude towards learning and education perform better in school than students whose parents have a negative attitude towards learning and education.  Hispanic parents place a great deal of importance on their children’s academic success because they view academic achievement as a means to acquire wealth, a higher social status, and personal advancement.

Students’ performance in school and learning is directly influenced by parental attitudes towards education.  With that being said, The Latino Family Literacy Project offers workshops and online webinars that help to enhance parental attitudes towards learning and education.  The Project aims to inform parents on how they can demonstrate positive attitudes towards education so that their children can learn to love learning and education.