One year ago, parents and teachers across the country were faced with something that many never even dreamt of – widespread school closures. This unprecedented disruption of the education system has parents searching for ways to help their children with their daily learning. At some point, schools will be back in full swing; however, in the meantime, we want to help schools to coach parents for effective home reading and teaching strategies so that parents are truly able to work with their kids at home.
The Latino Family Literacy Project, a White House Bright Spot Award-winner for Educational Excellence with Hispanics, provides professional development for school staff using a cultural framework for supporting Latino immigrant parents. The programs consist of research-based curriculum, and parents absolutely love attending the programs at schools. Our online video training for school staff is effective and easy to navigate. You can even set up a training for any date and time that works for you. During school closures, we will send the curriculum binder directly to the doorstep of staff to use at the webinar training. We will also provide our trained providers with downloadable worksheets to print and distribute to parents during school closures and throughout summer.
Lectura Books, offers an array of lending library collections and home library collections, bilingual books, and phonics workbooks for English language development for students and parents to enjoy together. In addition, you will find our new Early Readers with worksheets that can support students and parents at home. Principals and district leaders may request a digital review copy of books with worksheet samples at: Info@LecturaBooks.com