Free Teaching Tool Curriculum
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Monthly Newsletter
Sign up to receive our monthly newsletter for the latest ELL news, our current blog topics, and for support with ELL Parent Involvement.
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Bilingual Parent Handouts
Sign up to receive a monthly bilingual parent handout related to school, parenting, child development or reading. A perfect compliment to your family engagement goals!
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Schedule your own Webinar Training
Can’t make it to an already scheduled webinar or workshop? Schedule your own webinar training. The webinar is free with your purchase of the program. Otherwise, the cost is $200 per attendee. Curriculum included with attendance!
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Family Phonics for ESL
If you work with Spanish-speaking parents who could use support with ESL, these workbooks are for you! The focus is on teaching short vowels, long vowels, rhyming words, new vocabulary and pronunciation, which can help their kids with academic support! A FREE webinar for a parent involvement program is provided with purchase of the set of 60 workbooks.
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Free Bilingual STEM
When you purchase a set of books for 9 Preschool or 15 Elementary, you automatically qualify to receive our FREE Bilingual STEM Activities. The bilingual STEM activities are perfect to introduce Spanish-speaking parents to STEM, or for use in the childcare or after school programs, or as a family literacy night with parents and kids.
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