The state of Florida had 277,802 ELL students in their public school system as of 2012-2013. That figure represents just over 10% of the children enrolled in grades K-12. The largest concentration of ELLs is found in Dade County with an estimated 66,497 students. Among the state’s ELL population, 72% speak Spanish, with Haitian, Portuguese, Arabic, and Vietnamese rounding out the top five languages spoken by non-English speaking students.

State of Florida Informational Resources:
- Florida Department of Education:
- ELL Support Page:
- English Language Development Standards:
- Florida ELL Database Handbook:
- Title III Information:
- Florida English Proficiency Assessment Standards:
Educational Programs and Learning Resources:
- Central Florida TESOL – One of two Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages(TESOL) organizations in the state, dedicated to the advocacy and development of policies supporting equal opportunities for English Language Learners:
- Sunshine State TESOL – The second advocacy group supporting educators in the development and implementation of language policy:
- Florida Education Association – The Florida affiliate of the nationwide American Federation of Teachers which works to establish a standard for success and excellence for public schools throughout the state:
- Family Phonics Workbooks: An English vocabulary program for parents and children learning English that uses a simple method to teach parents strong English vocabulary and proper pronunciation through the use of phonics:
- The Latino Family Literacy Project – A program that teaches parents how to read with their children, through developing routine reading habits that promote learning of English vocabulary together as a family outside the classroom.
- The Latino Family Literacy Project Webinar Training:
If your school could benefit from ELL resources, Lectura Books offers award-winning bilingual books that can be used as a great teaching tool for English leaners.
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