In July of 2017, the California State Board of Education approved the English Learner (EL) Roadmap policy, which is intended to assist the California Department of Education (CDE) in providing guidance to local educational agencies (LEAs) in order to welcome, understand, and educate the diverse population of students who are English learners.
The policy is based on a Vision and Mission that basically state that English learners must fully be able to access and participate in a twenty-first century education from early childhood through grade twelve that results in their attaining high levels of English proficiency and that California schools need to “affirm, welcome, and respond to a diverse range of English learner (EL) strengths, needs, and identities.”
In essence, the Roadmap is the approved policy plus a collection of resources, both online and printed, so LEAs, that is, school districts can connect the Roadmap policy and resources to their Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and Title III plans.
The core of the Roadmap policy is its four guiding principles:
- Assets-Oriented and Needs Responsive Schools
- Intellectual Quality of Instruction and Meaningful Access
- System Conditions that Support Effectiveness
- Alignment and Articulation Within and Across Systems
Beginning in June of 2018, the CDE launched a series of Roadmap information events at county education offices throughout the state beginning with the Orange County Department of Education (June 20), the Sacramento County Office of Education (July 31), and the Tulare County Office of Education (August 31). The goal of these events is to delve into the specifics of the new policy, prepare to communicate to all relevant stakeholders about the Roadmap, work toward aligning the four principles of the Roadmap with the LCAP, and learn from various school districts how they are implementing the EL Roadmap.
This is an ongoing process and a high priority for the California Department of Education. You can visit the Roadmap website here to learn more. Also, check a list of resources for ELL support in California.